Just think, for a minute it seemed like the Election Fever Epidemic was going to pass us over. The NDP made it clear that they were willing to prop up the government so long as they agreed to take decisive action on pensions and take steps to slash bank and credit card fees. You know, the kind of protections governments should be undertaking during a recession. And obviously the Tories, having been in a minority government for almost 4 years, are now experienced in brokerage and deal making with opposition parties and willing to make concessions to avoid what Transport Minister John Baird describes as an "unuseful election".
Except apparently they aren't. Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and pug-shaped man Jason Kenney indicated his party's unwillingness to make concessions to the NDP in order to prop up his government:
“Look. We've always tried to demonstrate willingness to co-operate with the opposition parties. We did in the last budget. But we're not for sale to the highest bidder, least of all the NDP.”
Translation: "Look. We've always tried to demonstrate a willingness to intimidate and coerce the opposition parties into abstaining from crucial votes or simply bending over backwards to support us, which was demonstrated by the fact that a coalition had to threaten to take the government away from us if we didn't change the last budget. But since that won't work this time, we're not going to start doing earnest negotiations with the opposition, even if it means fighting an election we want you to believe we really don't want to fight."
So there you have it, the pug has spoken. Just remember when the Tories start bemoaning the Liberals insistence on forcing you back to the polls that they had a chance to stop this. Like I said yesterday, fuck 'em.
Do you think Obama would be interested in governing another 30 million or so?
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